Friday, April 1, 2011

It's Worth A Thousand Words

Welcome to Portagokee Bay, a magical land of centaurs and unicorns! Just kidding. But it is a combination of places, some of which might actually have unicorns or centaurs. We're not sure yet.

Which is precisely the point of this blog. No, not to find centaurs or unicorns, but rather to explore our world through the lens of commonalities, differences, and urban lifestyle in general. The four contributors to this blog hail from Portland, The Bay Area, Chicago, and Milwaukee, hence the name "Portagokee Bay."

Each month, we will post photos of our respective cities, keeping a theme for the month. If one of us happens to travel, as we do, and sees something in another city that fits the theme, expect us to throw it in the mix as well. You know, for some spice.

Since this seems like a terribly formal introductory post to what will most likely be a terribly informal blog, let's just kick things off with a photo that we really like, shall we?